Year 2024
December 2024


Mental Agility for Seniors

Start Date: 24 Apr 2025 | End Date: 28 Apr 2025
Peninsula Plaza, 111 North Bridge Road, Unit 07-05/06, Singapore 179098

 About National Silver Academy (NSA)
The National Silver Academy (NSA) is a network of post-secondary education institutions (PSEIs) (i.e. ITE, polytechnics, universities and arts institutions) and community-based organisations that offer learning opportunities that are subsidised for seniors. Seniors and PRs aged 50 years and above can look forward to attending short courses and bite-sized courses that are exam free. For courses run by community-based organisations, the final fee payable – for both Singaporean and Permanent Resident seniors – takes into account the support given by the government to community-based organisations to develop and offer the short courses.

About The Singapore Association for Continuing Education (SACE)
The Singapore Association for Continuing Education (SACE) is a registered charity with MOE. It offers over 80 courses under the National Silver Academy, most of which are highly subsidised for Singaporeans & Permanent Residents aged 50 and above. SACE serves the continuing learning needs of adults of all ages.

Course Details
Course Code SACE-CBO-M-129E-2025-04-01
Course Start 24/04/2025
Course End 28/04/2025
Registration Open
Duration 7 hours over 2 sessions
Session Thursday, 9:30 - 1:00 pm, 24/4, AND Monday 9.30 - 1.00pm, 28/4
Objective At the end of 2 sessions, participants will

1) Organizing thoughts to simplify them

2) Examine different angles to an event

3) Solve problems that looks difficult initially

4) Recognize emotions and biases

Description The great Einstein once remarked, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough”. Mental agility is the ability of the mind to think clearly, organize thoughts and clarify complex issues. The mind is very complicated and simplifying challenges requires the mind to be agile. When there is mental agility, the mind recognises wrong assumptions and the state of emotions in your thinking. You can adapt quickly to new environment and situational changes. The benefits of an agile mind are the ability to reason, better clarity of events and the skill of explaining seemingly complex things. Every senior can be mentally agile once they learn the skills and practice them in daily conversation and events.
Trainer Dr. Michael Lum

Dr. Michael Lum B.Acc (NUS), M.Com (UNSW), MAPE (NTU) holds a DBA (TU). He also completed ACTA and DACE with IAL. A certified NLP, AMA, 6 Seconds EQ, Body Language, and Stress Management trainer, he trains at SACE, NTU Co-PACE, ISCA, and MIS. A Distinguished Toastmaster, Louis Allen Program Leader, and Laughter Yoga Instructor, he completed Mindfulness Teacher program at Oxford University. A fervent practitioner of holistic health and life-long self-enrichment, Michael authored 6 books, of which three are translated into Bahasa, Indonesian, and Korean.

Medium of Instruction English
Venue Peninsula Plaza, 111 North Bridge Road, Unit 07-05/06, Singapore 179098
Application Register online with details on Course Topic, Start Date, Full Name (as in NRIC/FIN), Date of Birth, Gender, NRIC/FIN, Race, Citizenship, Address & Postal Code, Email and Contact Number
Fees Payable $25.20 pp NSA fee for Singaporean/PR age 50+, $126.00 pp for all others
SkillsFuture Credit (SFC)  Applicable
SACE Membership Credit (SMC) Applicable for SACE members
Contact Person Secretariat Tel: 6266 0648  or Email: