Year 2025
January 2025


Drawing on Nature (Water Colour - Intermediate)

Start Date: 09 Apr 2025 | End Date: 30 Apr 2025
Peninsula Plaza, 111 North Bridge Road, Unit 07-05/06, Singapore 179098


About National Silver Academy (NSA)
The National Silver Academy (NSA) is a network of post-secondary education institutions (PSEIs) (i.e. ITE, polytechnics, universities and arts institutions) and community-based organisations that offer learning opportunities that are subsidised for seniors. Seniors and PRs aged 50 years and above can look forward to attending short courses and bite-sized courses that are exam free. For courses run by community-based organisations, the final fee payable – for both Singaporean and Permanent Resident seniors – takes into account the support given by the government to community-based organisations to develop and offer the short courses.

About The Singapore Association for Continuing Education (SACE)
The Singapore Association for Continuing Education (SACE) is a registered charity with MOE. It offers over 80 courses under the National Silver Academy, most of which are highly subsidised for Singaporeans & Permanent Residents aged 50 and above. SACE serves the continuing learning needs of adults of all ages.

Course Details
Course Number  SACE-CBO-M-037E-2025-04-01
Course Start 09/04/2025
Course End 30/04/2025
Registration Open
Duration 12 hours over 4 sessions
Session Wednesday, 9:30 - 12:30pm 9/4, 16/4, 23/4, 30/4

 See, observe and be inspired to capture the beauty through water colour painting.


This course is for those who have a good basic understanding of watercolour like flat wash, graded wash, variegated wash, wet on dry, wet in wet, water control and the various stages of moist to dryness of the paper. Participants must also be familiar with art fundamentals like tonal values and colour theory.

At the intermediate level, there will be more painting practices that will incorporate the techniques mentioned as well as learning other new techniques. like masking and creating texture with salt and other means.

Recommended :
1. Artists’ Grade watercolours
For example : PWC (ShinHan), Schmincke Akademie or Horadam, Daniel Smith, Holbein

2. 100% cotton coldpressed watercolour paper or good quality blended cellulosse and cotton paper

3. Watercolour brushes – Synthetic or Natural

4. Palette

5. Water containers

6. Rags


Geri Koh

Geri Koh is a practising artist who has won several art awards and competitions with several exhibitions of her art pieces. Geri works with several art mediums especially coloured pencils and is actively conducting art workshops. Currently she has been teaching in SACE mainly art related workshops like drawing in different types of media – sketching, colour pencils, water colour, mixed media, line and wash with a fan base of repeated senior attendees.

Medium of Instruction


Venue Peninsula Plaza, 111 North Bridge Road, Unit 07-05/06, Singapore 179098
Fees Payable $52.80 pp NSA fee for Singaporean/PR age 50 and above, $264.00 pp for all others
SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) Applicable
SACE Membership Credit (SMC) Applicable for SACE members
Contact Person Secretariat Tel: 6266 0648 or Email: